Monday, June 15, 2009

Thing # 6

Oh the time I can spend getting sucked into RSS feeds and viewing the latest hits on my Google Reader. I have created numerous folders and subscribed to many feeds. I enjoy browsing through the headlines and seeing what hits I have. Here is my Google Reader Blogroll:

The ones that I spent the most time on, were the Flickr interesting photo feed, the YouTube feed (OMG....I can't get enough), and the ask the Sports Dietician feed. What can I say, I feed my addictions :) I also enjoyed looking through Terri Lesesne's Goddess of YA Literature blog. She is a FABULOUS book talker, and I enjoy reading her witty writing style.
All in all, I really like the Google Reader and the RSS feeds; however, I have to be selective and careful about when I view it. I have a tendency to get very involved and forget what I am actually supposed to be doing (like work :)) when I start previewing and checking the feeds. I like this format so much more than the newspaper though.
I did have an immediate thought about an application at school though. I plan to share this with one of our history teachers who has his students do a huge ongoing project on current events. I can help him show the students how to set up an RSS feed for news articles that have to do with the country on which they are reporting. It is almost cheating to have the current events sent to you instead of having to search for them yourself :)

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